Midwest Race League

Midwest Race League was created in the 1980’s by a group of passionate skiers looking to share the sport of ski racing with others. There have been changes throughout the years in how the races are structured, the equipment that is used, and the leadership. But the one thing that hasn’t changed is how much we love the sport of ski racing.

Whether you’re brand new to racing and never tried it before, or a seasoned ski racer back for another year, we provide an accessible, fun, and friendly environment to enjoy the sport of ski racing. We pride ourselves in providing a fun and challenging experience for all ages and abilities. Even more, we love bringing friends (new and old) together to enjoy the sport of skiing.


Have questions about Midwest Race League? Please don’t hesitate to reach out! We love talking about skiing with anyone that will listen!

Contact us by email at info@midwestraceleague.com or by calling 612-618-1194